Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is the ad that appeared in the local paper wishing Mom a very happy birthday!  I got Mom's endorsement to use this picture!

Mom is the Queen of her Red Hat Gals Group (or Red Hot Mamas I think they also call themselves) and they usually wear red hats at their gatherings/outings.  But when it is their birthday, they wear a "purple" hat which I think is an excellent choice - a colour of Royalty and of passion and many other beautiful qualities that match mom really well!
I sure hope that I look as fabulous as she does when I'm 70!

Love ya Mom. xo

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a beautiful lady inside and out. Hey I too hope I look this good at 70.
    Look at that amazing skin would you!

    Brenda that would be great if you would mention my cozy.
    I just got a email from a lady asking me if she could put a link to my shop on her FB. She just loves my stuff. So when she did, another lady asked if she could feature me and my shop on her blog. Im so excited things are happening again. Barb
