Monday, October 1, 2012

My Creative Side

A long weekend! Ah! After a couple of busy but good days on Saturday and Sunday, Peter and I enjoyed a much deserved sleep in this morning followed by a quick catch-up call with Mom via Skype and then a lovely late brunch.  Delicious, even if I do say so myself.  Loved my Potato 

My afternoon project was to finish a slide show which I had started last week.  The idea was formed one day last week when I was doing my morning cycle on my exercise bike and was listening to a song to give me inspiration.  "God I Love You" from the album "Your Name" from Garden City Church pre-Hillsong.  What a beautiful song!  I have missed singing it!  So, I have created a slide show using my photography hoping that it will also encourage and inspire others that listen to it.

Credit should go to Sharee Nield and Sloane Simpson for the beautiful melody and wonderful lyrics!

Enjoy, Be Blessed and Shalom (Peace!).